The Cardiology Service CORPAL/CARDIOLUMEN, operating in 2 private Hospitals in Córdoba (Hospital Cruz Roja and Hospital San Juan de Dios), has recently introduced a new technology for the diagnosis and treatment of complex arrhythmias.

The system provides the acquisition of intracavitary cartographic electro-anatomic delineation of any cardiac chamber, allowing activation maps, propagation of the impulse and voltage at any level of all arrhythmogenic substrates. This allows to afford safely and accurately any arrhythmia of the heart, including those complex alterations of the cardiac rhythm, like ventricular tachycardia and the most frequent one, Atrial Fibrillation. This prevalent rhytm disorder generates many medical problems, not only because the paroxistic form produces very rapid ventricular responses with the risk of heart failure, but also because the need to anticoagulate all patients to avoid embolic complications. At present, the transcatheter treatment of Atrial Fibrillation is the most efficient technique to restablish a permanent sinus rhythm.

The main information that CARTO provides is the identification of areas of precocity (activation maps), reentrant circuits (propagation maps) or scar areas (activation focus) that generate such disorders. Also allows a 3D-image facility that integrates the anatomic and functional structure of the cardiac chamber, which reduces considerably the need for X-ray application. This incorporated modern technology confirm our determination to afford any scientific advancement in interventinal cardiology that could help our patients.

CARTO, Latest generation electro-anatomical cartography
Carto, cartography system for the treatment of complex arrhythmias
Cita médica
Cardiólogos - Grupo Corpal
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